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PDF Ebook Dem Meer ist es egal, ob du eine Bikinifigur hast: Ein Plädoyer für mehr Selbstliebe, by Miyabi Kawai

PDF Ebook Dem Meer ist es egal, ob du eine Bikinifigur hast: Ein Plädoyer für mehr Selbstliebe, by Miyabi Kawai

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Dem Meer ist es egal, ob du eine Bikinifigur hast: Ein Plädoyer für mehr Selbstliebe, by Miyabi Kawai

Dem Meer ist es egal, ob du eine Bikinifigur hast: Ein Plädoyer für mehr Selbstliebe, by Miyabi Kawai

Dem Meer ist es egal, ob du eine Bikinifigur hast: Ein Plädoyer für mehr Selbstliebe, by Miyabi Kawai

PDF Ebook Dem Meer ist es egal, ob du eine Bikinifigur hast: Ein Plädoyer für mehr Selbstliebe, by Miyabi Kawai

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Überprüfung der Führung gemeinsam ist eine Art und Weise, die Sie sicherlich leiten wird, um das Leben viel besser und öffnet auch die brandneuen Fenster auf der Welt. Dieses weise Wort gilt. Wenn Sie Ihren Geist öffnen und versuchen, auch die Liebe zu lesen, noch mehr Know-how, Unterricht, sowie Erfahrungen gewonnen werden. So können Sie Ihr Leben System verbessern und auch Aktivitäten umfassten den Geist und auch Ideen. Und auch dieser Dem Meer Ist Es Egal, Ob Du Eine Bikinifigur Hast: Ein Plädoyer Für Mehr Selbstliebe, By Miyabi Kawai gehört zu Führungen, die sicherlich verstehen, es zu benutzen.

Dem Meer ist es egal, ob du eine Bikinifigur hast: Ein Plädoyer für mehr Selbstliebe, by Miyabi Kawai


Miyabi Kawai ist für ihre tollen Kurven bekannt. Wie sie es geschafft hat, ihren eigenen Körper zu akzeptieren und zu lieben, verrät sie in diesem inspirierenden Buch. (In Touch 2019-06-18)Es gibt sie tatsächlich: Frauen, die andere Frauen mit ihrer Ausstrahlung, ihrer Art und ihrem Esprit inspirieren und stärken. Eben ganz so wie Miyabi Kawai. (bunte.de 2019-05-30)Mit ihrem Buch zeigt die Designerin anderen Frauen mit viel Humor, wie mangegen Selbstzweifel kämpft und langfristig lernt, sich selbst zu lieben. (Bild am Sonntag 2019-05-26)Miyabi Kawai ermuntert alle Menschen: Lernt euch selbst zu lieben. (Hamburger Abendblatt 2019-05-25)Selbstoptimierung hoch zehn? Darüber kann die „Schrankalarm“-Moderatorin nur noch lachen. (Hamburger Morgenpost 2019-05-21)Miyabi Kawai nimmt uns mit auf ihre persönliche Reise und zeigt mit viel Charme und Humor wie wichtig ein gutes Selbstwertgefühl ist, insbesondere in Zeiten von Instagram und Co. (The Curvy Magazine 2019-05-19)Ein flacher Bauch und strahlend junge Haut – nicht jede Frau ist damit gesegnet. Wie man trotzdem Selbstbewusstsein tankt – und was der Zauberspiegel damit zu tun hat, verrät Miyabi Kawai. (Lisa 2019-05-15)

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Miyabi KawaiMiyabi Kawai, geboren 1974 in Berlin, ist Modedesignerin, Kostümbildnerin und Stylistin mit deutsch-japanischen Wurzeln. Als Kreativteam für TV-Shows wie «X-Factor» und «Got to Dance» startete sie ihre Zusammenarbeit mit Manuel Cortez im Kostüm- und Stylingbereich. Ab 2014 standen sie für drei erfolgreiche Staffeln ihrer gemeinsamen Stylingshow «Schrankalarm» auf Vox vor der Kamera.


Taschenbuch: 192 Seiten

Verlag: Rowohlt Taschenbuch; Auflage: 1. (21. Mai 2019)

Sprache: Deutsch

ISBN-10: 3499634570

ISBN-13: 978-3499634574

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

12,5 x 1,5 x 19 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

4.9 von 5 Sternen

10 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 675 in Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Bücher)

Wunderbar zu lesen. Ich persönlich kann viele der beschriebenen Situationen super nachfühlen und tatsächlich denk ich jetzt über mich nicht mehr so negativ. (Danke liebe Miyabi 😘 )Habs direkt noch drei meiner liebsten Freundinnen geschenkt.

Ein tolles Buch einer tollen Frau! Natürlich erfindet sie das Thema nicht neu, aber mit ihrer fröhlichen toughen Art schafft sie es das motivierende Chakka zu transportieren und uns Frauen Lust aufs Frau sein zu manchen und das in allen denkbaren Facetten.

super gut geschrieben, finde mich selber darin wieder, authentisch, logisch, neue denkansätze werden so möglich, mal alles aus einer anderen perspektive

Es liest sich sehr schön und ich habe viel dabei geschmunzelt. Es verändert die Sicht der Dinge und hat mich zufrieden mit mir gemacht.

Sehr tolles Buch. Habe es in einem Weg gelesen! Nur zu empfehlen.

Inhalt:Umgeben von Selbstoptimierung und Streben nach Perfektion ist es nicht einfach sich selbst zu lieben. Miyabi Kawai zeigt auf humorvolle Weise, wie man den Kampf gegen Selbstzweifel gewinnen und die eigene Selbstwahrnehmung und Selbstliebe bestärken kann.Meinung:Das Cover ist äußerst passend gewählt, denn es wirkt authentisch und lebensfroh – genau diesen Eindruck erhalten wir auch von der Autorin, die ein wahres Multitalent ist. Miyabi Kawai ist nicht nur Modedesignerin, Kostümbildnerin und Stylistin, sondern auch Autorin, die gerne ihre eigenen autobiografischen Anekdoten mit den vornehmlich weiblichen Leserinnen teilt, um diesen das Motto „Love yourself!“ näherzubringen. In einem flüssigen und humorvollen Schreibstil wird die Leserin zum Nachdenken und Handeln angeregt. Denn Schönheit ist keine Frage der Kleidergröße, wir sind mehr als nur eine perfekte Hülle. Unser Leben ist zu kurz, um den Bauch einzuziehen, nur um anderen zu gefallen. Kurz zusammengefasst möchte die Autorin ihren Leserinnen vermitteln, dass man sich nicht verbiegen und verstellen soll. Wenn man erst gelernt hat, sich selbst so zu nehmen, wie man tatsächlich ist, und sich selbst liebt, findet man auch den Weg zum Glück. Ein gutes Selbstwertgefühl bekämpft langfristig Selbstzweifel. Mit viel Humor und Charme zeigt uns die Autorin, dass es vollkommen in Ordnung ist, anders zu sein, denn #nobodyisthesame und „Wir sind nicht allein und erst recht keine Konkurrenz. Selbstliebe ist ansteckend. Und verbindend. Gemeinsam sind wir stärker.“Fazit:Mit „Dem Meer ist es egal, ob du eine Bikinifigur hast“ ist der Autorin Miyabi Kawai eine unterhaltsame Lektüre gelungen. Natürlich erfindet sie das Thema „Body Positivity“ und „Selbstliebe“ nicht neu, jedoch lernt die Leserin auf eine unglaublich erfrischende und gleichzeitig mutmachende Weise: „Lerne, dich selbst zu lieben!“ Ich nehme dieses „Plädoyer für mehr Selbstliebe“ nicht als einen wissenschaftlich fundierten Ratgeber an, vielmehr als eine Anleitung zur Selbstfindung auf der Reise zu mehr Selbstbewusstsein. Da ich zugleich auch noch humorvoll unterhalten wurde, vergebe ich liebend gerne 5 von 5 Sternchen.

Beim lesen kamen mir wirklich die Tränen!Danke Miyabi, für dieses wunderbare Buch! Ich hoffe, dass es ganz viele Frauen lesen und dieser Selbstoptimierungswahn endlich aufhört! Mir hat es sehr geholfen! ♥️♥️👍

Sehr schön geschriebenes Buch, dass die Empfindungen von so vielen Frauen beschreibt. Ich hab es relativ schnell verschlungen obwohl ich sonst nicht so die große Leserin bin. :)

Dem Meer ist es egal, ob du eine Bikinifigur hast: Ein Plädoyer für mehr Selbstliebe, by Miyabi Kawai PDF
Dem Meer ist es egal, ob du eine Bikinifigur hast: Ein Plädoyer für mehr Selbstliebe, by Miyabi Kawai EPub
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Dem Meer ist es egal, ob du eine Bikinifigur hast: Ein Plädoyer für mehr Selbstliebe, by Miyabi Kawai PDF

Dem Meer ist es egal, ob du eine Bikinifigur hast: Ein Plädoyer für mehr Selbstliebe, by Miyabi Kawai PDF

Dem Meer ist es egal, ob du eine Bikinifigur hast: Ein Plädoyer für mehr Selbstliebe, by Miyabi Kawai PDF
Dem Meer ist es egal, ob du eine Bikinifigur hast: Ein Plädoyer für mehr Selbstliebe, by Miyabi Kawai PDF

PDF-Download Circe, by Madeline Miller

PDF-Download Circe, by Madeline Miller

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Circe, by Madeline Miller

Circe, by Madeline Miller

Circe, by Madeline Miller

PDF-Download Circe, by Madeline Miller

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Wenn Sie ein Neuling Leser oder eine sind, die Liebe Lesung beginnen wollen, können Sie Circe, By Madeline Miller als einer der besten Alternative wählen. Diese Publikation ist bei den Zuschauern sehr beliebt. Dies ist einer der Gründe, warum wir empfehlen Ihnen, dieses Buch zu versuchen Analyse. Auch das ist nicht Art von Buch, das sicherlich große Chance bieten wird; Sie können es Schritt für Schritt erhalten. Wie genau das, was wir über die Entdeckung immer lesen kann von Schritten erfolgen. Sie können das Verständnis auf einmal, indem Sie alles nicht erreichen, wird es einige Verfahren benötigen.

Ebenso ist es genau das, was Sie sicherlich davon ab, diese Publikation als Empfehlung erhalten Ihre Top-Qualität sowie das Verständnis zu verbessern. Es wird Ihnen nur zeigen, wie Art ein Buch ist. Jeder Satz und auch jede Web-Seite dieser Circe, By Madeline Miller werden Sie sicherlich neue Sache offenbaren. Es wird Sie nicht zwingen, zu verstehen oder alle Sätze erinnern. Die meisten Dinge ständig im Auge zu behalten sind die Lehre oder eine Nachricht, die in dieser Publikation erzählt wird.

Und die Gründe sollten Sie dies beraten Buch holen ist, dass es durch einen bevorzugten Schriftsteller auf dem Planeten erstellt wird. Möglicherweise haben Sie die Möglichkeit, nicht schnell, dieses Buch zu bekommen; das ist, warum wir Ihnen hier zur Linderung bieten. Als einfach zu bekommen Führer wirklich zu prüfen, endet als der erste Schritt bis zu vervollständigen. Gelegentlich werden Sie mit Schwierigkeiten umgehen die Circe, By Madeline Miller außerhalb entdecken. Doch hier, Sie werden nicht mit diesem Thema befassen.

Circe, by Madeline Miller


Circe gives us a feminist slant on the Odyssey ... Miller makes these age-old texts thrum with contemporary relevance ... An airy delight, a novel to be gobbled greedily in a single sitting * Observer * Circe back as superwoman ... Homer's witch get a kickass modern makeover... Miller's Me Too-era, kickass portrait of a woman trying to defy the men and Fates arrayed against her is enchanting... Blisteringly modern * The Times * In a thrilling tour de force of imagination, Miller makes her otherworldly heroine a complex, sympathetic figure for whom we cheer throughout. Circe is a truly spellbinding novel, the mesmerising shimmer of ancient magic rising from it like a heat haze * Mail on Sunday * A brilliantly strange work of mythic science fiction, as effortlessly expressive within the palaces of gods as it is about the world below ... Superb ... This is both a fabulous novel and a fascinating retelling; the best compliment, perhaps, that any myth could hope for * Daily Telegraph * Circe is poised to become the literary sensation of the summer, as much for the quality of its writing as its timeliness * Sunday Times Magazine * It is out of these insights that Miller achieves real narrative propulsion ... Supple, pitched in a register that bridges man and myth * Guardian * The first witch in Western literature sets Homer straight as she tells her life story, from her unhappy childhood to her lonely island exile. The woman who emerges is complex and sympathetic. A spellbinding tour de force of imagination * Mail on Sunday, `Sizzling summer reads' * Miller has effected a transformation just as impressive as any of her heroine's own: she's turned an ancient tale of female subjugation into one of empowerment and courage full of contemporary resonances -- Lucy Scholes * Independent * What more could you wish for on holiday than this fabulously written re-imagining of the myth? Gods, monsters and mortals are lushly evoked in a page-turner that is as gripping as a soap opera and which triumphantly fuses myth with our contemporary concerns -- Elizabeth Buchan * Daily Mail, Books of the Summer 2018 * Dubbed the `feminist Odyssey', there's so much to like about Circe. From the author of the much-loved The Song of Achilles, this novel puts a feminist spin on Greek mythology, recasting Circe, the vilified witch infamous for turning men into pigs, in a sympathetic light. Subverting the usual masculine tropes of epic adventure narratives, Miller tells the story of the women who have been historically silenced. And on top of that, she makes Greek myths and culture, which is often perceived as impenetrable and intimidating, accessible. A real page-turner * Elle Magazine * Illuminates known stories from a new perspective ... Miller has determined, in her characterization of this most powerful witch, to bring her as close as possible to the human, as a thoughtful and compassionate woman who learns to love unselfishly ... A highly psychologized, redemptive and ultimately exculpatory account of the protagonist herself -- Claire Messud * New York Times * The Orange prizewinner Madeline Miller reimagines Circe, the witch from The Odyssey. In Miller's retelling Circe is a suitably bolshie character who is not going to be bossed around by men. The writing is beautiful * The Times * An epic that's also a page-turner * i * Fabulous ... Bold and sensuously written, it plays brilliantly with the original myth of Circe * Daily Mail * I've been waiting for Circe by Madeline Miller for what feels like forever. Since her 2011 debut, The Song of Achilles - a queer retelling of the Iliad from Patroclus' perspective - I've been crowing about the wit and magic of Miller's prose. Circe did not disappoint. It's a feminist tale of the nymph child of Helios, the sun god, who is exiled for practising witchcraft. Circe lives for hundreds of years, encountering heroes, gods and legends, but it never feels like a Greek mythology lesson. Actually, it feels more like a splashy, gossipy memoir written by a celebrity who has met everyone. I suspect this will be my book of the year -- Caroline O'Donoghue * Irish Times * Greek myth is fertile fictional terrain for Miller, who won the Orange Prize with her debut, The Song of Achilles. Her new novel is narrated by Circe, the witch from Homer's Odyssey, who is banished to a remote island and there learns how to survive as a woman alone in the world -- Anita Sethi * Independent, Books of 2018 * A bold and subversive retelling of the goddess's story that manages to be both epic and intimate in its scope, recasting the most infamous female figure from the Odyssey as a hero in her own right * New York Times * The Song of Achilles was a big hit; Circe will be, too * Sunday Times * [Miller] gives voice to Circe as a multifaceted and evolving character ... Circe is very pleasurable to read, combining lively versions of familiar tales and snippets of other, related standards with a highly psychologized, redemptive and ultimately exculpatory account of the protagonist herself * New York Times Book Review * God though she may be, here she faces life - and its love, heartbreak, loneliness and motherhood - with immensely relatable humanity. The definition of female strength in all its fractured, fragile glory * **** Stylist * Offers opportunities for feminist revision of famous characters both mortal and divine, especially the egotistical Odysseus and the irresponsible and laddish Hermes. It also leads to a suspenseful metaphysical dilemma ... Polished diction and descriptive powers * Prospect * Absorbing ... One of the most amazing qualities of this novel [is]: We know how everything here turns out -we've known it for thousands of years - and yet in Miller's lush reimagining, the story feels harrowing and unexpected. The feminist light she shines on these events never distorts their original shape; it only illuminates details we hadn't noticed before... In the story that dawns from Miller's rosy fingers, the fate that awaits Circe is at once divine and mortal, impossibility strange and yet entirely human * Washington Post * A look at mythology with fresh eyes ... In Circe the female perspective sharpens into focus in a way that doesn't happen in the original * Wall Street Journal * Miller excels at reworking myths and legends for a modern audience ... Miller conjures up a cast of strong, relatable characters, from cold-hearted gods and flawed heroes to deadly monsters-and best of all-a strong female protagonist. Fabulously readable * Scotsman * Beautifully written throughout ... Miller has broken [Circe] free of the conventions of the masculine epic * Literary Review * A refreshingly complex and utterly compelling portrait of one of the most intriguing women in western literature ... Miller's depiction of what it feels like to work magic is extraordinarily vivid and convincing ... What elevates Circe is Miller's luminous prose, which is both enormously readable and evocative, and the way in which she depicts the gulf between gods and mortals ... Circe can be part of that cycle of cruel and pointless conflict, or she can choose to break it. In this unforgettable novel, Miller makes us care about that magical, mythical choice * Irish Times * This is a gorgeous retelling of Homer's Odyssey blended with other legends. Miller creates a magical narrative: strong relatable characters, cold-hearted gods, flawed heroes, deadly monsters, and best of all, a strong female protagonist. Overall, it is fabulously readable * Herald * In Circe, Miller gives depth and history to the title character, how it was she came to be on her island, and her struggles as an independent woman. The "heroes" of Greek myths - the gods, Odysseus and so on - get shoved to the side, as Miller brings to the forefront a fascinating, captivating female character. This is wonderfully detailed and well worth the more than five year wait since The Song of Achilles * Stylist, The 20 must-read books to make room for in 2018 * A mesmerising, fiercely feminist and lyrical retelling of a story from Greek mythology - as enchanting as the enchantress herself * Psychologies * Circe is the utterly captivating, exquisitely written story of an ordinary, and extraordinary, woman's life -- Eimear McBride, author of A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing An epic spanning thousands of years that's also a keep-you-up-all-night page turner -- Ann Patchett Captivating ... Will entertain and enchant * Sunday Express Magazine * Horror, heartache and grit pour from the pages of this exquisitely written and compelling novel. An alchemist with words, Miller continues to rejuvenate the classics with her exceptional talent ... Circe is one of the best and most rewarding books of 2018 * Attitude, 'Book of the Month' * Dazzling * Woman & Home * Gives Greek mythology a modern, feminist twist * Elle * Even better than its predecessor. Written in supple, imaginative prose, it conjures up brilliantly a vivid world in which the lives of gods and mortals are intimately intertwined * BBC History Magazine * Miller weaves an intoxicating tale of gods and heroes, magic and monsters, survival and transformation * i * A life-affirming tale of astonishing beauty ... A sensuous, thrilling experience, combining exquisite prose with high drama ... The pettiness and casual brutality of the deities is sadly recognisable in modern political times, while Circe's quest for validation will ring a chord with men and women alike * Toast Book Club * With her classicist's ear, Miller infuses her prose with Homeric rhythms, to mischievous and lovely effect. With nods to a wealth of ancient works, she crafts her own triumphant Circe ... Miller's Circe is a shrewd and cool character, capable of great love but also possessed of a lethally ruthless streak. Her mixture of assiduous domesticity and merciless witchcraft is addictively conveyed * The Lady * The exiled witch, who barely gets more than a mention in Homer's The Odyssey, is at the centre of a page-turning feminist romp * The Pool, Summer Reads 2018 * Miss Miller leaves us utterly bewitched * Country Life *


CHOSEN AS A BOOK OF THE YEAR BY THE GUARDIAN, TELEGRAPH, SUNDAY TELEGRAPH, I PAPER, SUNDAY EXPRESS, IRISH TIMES, TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, AMAZON, AUDIBLE, BUZZFEED, REFINERY 29, WASHINGTON POST, BOSTON GLOBE, SEATTLE TIMES, TIME MAGAZINE, NEWSWEEK, PEOPLE, ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY, KIRKUS, PUBLISHERS WEEKLY AND GOODREADS In the house of Helios, god of the sun and mightiest of the Titans, a daughter is born. Circe is a strange child - not powerful and terrible, like her father, nor gorgeous and mercenary like her mother. Scorned and rejected, Circe grows up in the shadows, at home in neither the world of gods or mortals. But Circe has a dark power of her own: witchcraft. When her gift threatens the gods, she is banished to the island of Aiaia where she hones her occult craft, casting spells, gathering strange herbs and taming wild beasts. Yet a woman who stands alone will never be left in peace for long - and among her island's guests is an unexpected visitor: the mortal Odysseus, for whom Circe will risk everything. So Circe sets forth her tale, a vivid, mesmerizing epic of family rivalry, love and loss - the defiant, inextinguishable song of woman burning hot and bright through the darkness of a man's world.

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Taschenbuch: 336 Seiten

Verlag: Bloomsbury UK; Auflage: UK open market ed (4. April 2019)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 1526610140

ISBN-13: 978-1526610140

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

11,1 x 2,3 x 17,9 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

4.5 von 5 Sternen

16 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 1.544 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

Note: as the book is a relatively close retelling of ancient mythology, I'm not sure where the line is drawn between "spoilers" and "more or less common knowledge, especially if you read the 'Circe' Wiki article". I'm going to try my best, but if you would prefer to go into Circe with zero prior knowledge of Greek myth, this is your warning to backspace now!As I sit to write this review, my feelings towards Circe are complicated. I can't deny that I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. But I also can't deny that I'm frustrated it wasn't... more.Circe is a retelling of the Greek myth of Circe, a witch and daughter of the sun god (or, more properly, titan) Helios, and best known for transforming Odysseus' sailors into swine. It follows her from her childhood, when she first discovered her magical powers, to her lonely exile on the island where she will eventually meet said hero. Until that fateful meeting, the book is relatively episodic in nature. Gods and mortals drift in and out of Circe's life; though she changes them (sometimes literally, into pigs) and is changed by them, their paths soon diverge again. The book is thus definitely literary fantasy and makes no pretense that theme, character, and prose come above plot.This may sound silly, but I really loved the actual reading of this book. Miller certainly has a way with words, a way with describing the supernatural and mythical that really draws you in. Here, for example, is an early meeting of Circe and Prometheus, the titan who stole fire from the gods to give to humans:After all those hours at my father's feet, I had learned to nose out power where it lay. Some of my uncles had less scent than the chairs they sat on, but my grandfather Oceanos smelled deep as rich river mud, and my father like a searing blaze of just-fed fire. Prometheus' green moss scent filled the room.This is where the book excels, in lush descriptions and in wry, bitter observations. It was like a great chain of fear, Circe remarks on life as presented in Greek myth: from the Olympian gods at the top, all the way down to lesser immortals like her, little better than humans. I love mythological retellings for the sense of wonder they give me. Circe absolutely delivers.I also found it interesting to follow Circe herself. She's a very lonely person. She's different from almost all her vast extended family, primarily in that she has feelings towards mortals other than lust, possessiveness, and/or rage. However, as a goddess who's lived for eons, it's not as though she can quite fit in with them mortals either. For most of the book, she's "stuck" both physically and emotionally: first amidst a family who torments or ignores her, and then on an island where non-animal company comes only by chance in the form of a passing ship. I was rooting very hard for to become "unstuck" by chapter three.Other characters are necessarily less "deep" — as said before, most of them wander in and out of Circe's life within a chapter or two. The other gods are larger than life, often cruel, capricious, and with an eye only for their own amusement. And the mortals are all personages from Greek myths — Jason and Medea, Daedalus and Minos, and of course wily Odysseus, best of all Greeks — and so larger than life in their own way. I'm not sure how it reads for people unfamiliar with Greek mythology. For me there was enough fleshing out of these familiar faces to make meeting them exciting, but Miller stuck close enough to the traditional interpretations that I didn't feel like they were completely unknown characters with an expected name merely slapped on.So then, what of theme? This seemed to me the most important aspect of the book: it is an exploration of Woman's Lot. The witch Circe has been a point of contention for centuries, often interpreted as an archetypal "femme fatale", seducing men and then transforming them for her amusement. Naturally, the narrative here treats her far more sympathetically than tradition, attempting to explain such actions with something other than "them evil feminine wiles". And there is discussion of other aspects of misogyny (as well as, a bit, of toxic masculinity). It's centred on Ancient Greek culture, but their echoes are still felt in our current-day society: punishing daughters for things sons are rewarded for, physical appearance as a woman's primary/only possible virtue, sexual assault ("That's what nymphs are for," says the god Hermes, in about as many words).But although Circe is here portrayed as a sympathetic woman, she is also portrayed as alone. Basically all of her primary relationships are with men (father, multiple lovers, son); the one close relationship she gains with another woman is through a man (a lover's mortal wife). And most of these other women are jealous, vain, bitter, superficial. I am of course not saying that Circe should be besties with every woman she meets, or asking only for sweet, kind, "perfect" female characters. To some extent I even accept that a kind of hateful competition between women is a part of the misogynistic structure the book seeks to criticise.But. Circe ends up showing more tolerance towards Odysseus' stupid men than she ever does towards her stupid fellow nymphs. But. Greek mythology is so vast and contradictory even a simple retelling involves conscious choice. In some versions Circe has a daughter with Odysseus; in some versions she's the goddess Hecate's daughter or student. (But. Does this book even pass the Bechdel test until in the last 20 odd pages?) But the fact is, at this point in time I'm just not very satisfied by a book that defends Circe from her archetypal role as a "predatory woman" by shoving that role onto the goddess Athena instead.I honestly usually wouldn't give quite as much weight to a critique of theme. But this book is literary fantasy: that's what it's here for, no? ;) And I did genuinely enjoy reading Circe. It's just that when I think about it after, the attempt of one woman to break her chains rings hollow for me, when the rest of us are thrown back under to push her up. (less)

a very special book from a very talented author.the sequence of events, how she masterfully combines and expresses them, how she describes the characters and situations... simply brilliant.I loved The Song of Achilles, Circe is just as good and I don't know how I will wait for the next piece from Mrs. Miller.

Madeline Miller's exquisite prose and her deep knowledge of the greek antiquity give this book a lush and magical feeling. I was immediately sucked into the world and just like in her last book I found the main character incredibly likable.Her writing feels classic and yet fits a modern readership this book is truly a gem.I recommend it to people who love greek myths and tales of gods and monsters and witches who best the skies!

Loved it. This book is such a captivating read. I wasn't so sure about it at first, but it only took me reading a chapter to realize I'd love it.

It takes a little while to get used to the style of the telling voice, but then it is simply an amazing story. Great to meet all these familiar names and see them from the point of view of a rather unwilling and recalcitrant goddess.

Great book! Fresh perspective on Greek mythology. Definitely recommend!

an incredible book, very well written. helpful if you have background knowledge of Greek mythology but definitely not necessary as everything is explained very well in a flowing manner that follows the storyline.


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Circe, by Madeline Miller PDF

Circe, by Madeline Miller PDF
Circe, by Madeline Miller PDF



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PDF-Download Ahmadinejad: The Secret History of Iran's Radical Leader, by Kasra Naji

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Ahmadinejad: The Secret History of Iran's Radical Leader, by Kasra Naji

Ahmadinejad: The Secret History of Iran's Radical Leader, by Kasra Naji

Ahmadinejad: The Secret History of Iran's Radical Leader, by Kasra Naji

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Ahmadinejad: The Secret History of Iran's Radical Leader, by Kasra Naji


"When Ahmadinejad was elected President in June 2005, anxiety replaced election fever amongst many Iranians. To let off steam they told jokes. Why did the new President part his hair so straight? To segregate the male and female lice. But while the laughter died down, the anxiety never went away..."As Iran's nuclear programme accelerates, all eyes are on the blacksmith's son who could have his finger on the trigger. Who is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? What drives him? What formed him? To whom, if anyone, does he answer?Internationally acclaimed journalist Kasra Naji, a native Persian speaker, has spent years in Iran interviewing friends, family and colleagues of the firebrand President to tell for the first time the true story of how he came to power. A picture emerges far more compelling than any of the caricatures offered up so far.While Naji documents the often strange behaviour of Ahmadinejad, with his visions of the Hidden Imam and diatribes against Israel, he also shows him to be full of contradictions: a strange and complex man, at once gripped by apocalyptic beliefs, yet capable of switching spiritual allegiance in the quest for power; a man tough enough to fight street battles in the name of Ayatollah Khomeini during the revolution, who was described by former army comrades as a "coward"; and a man crude enough to invite the German Chancellor to join him in an anti-Jewish alliance, yet sophisticated enough to win the political support of the all-powerful Revolutionary Guard. The unknown Ahmadinejad - revealed here by Naji - is much more of a force to be reckoned with than the bogeyman conjured up by Washington. Naji takes us inside the shadowy council chambers of Tehran, and shows us the plots, passions and personalities that will influence Ahmadinejad's next move, while the world waits with baited breath.

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Kasra Naji is the Tehran correspondent for ABC. In a journalistic career spanning two decades he has reported from the Middle East and Asia for CNN, the BBC, the Financial Times, the Guardian, the Los Angeles Times and the Economist.


Taschenbuch: 288 Seiten

Verlag: I.B. Tauris (19. Dezember 2007)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 9781845116361

ISBN-13: 978-1845116361

ASIN: 1845116364

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

13,9 x 2,4 x 21,7 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

Schreiben Sie die erste Bewertung

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 875.526 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

It was in amazing condition, thanks.

If you are interested in learning more about humanity's latest-and-greatest loony tune to jump onto the world stage, this book is for you! Kasra Naji does an excellent job of describing the background, influences on and maniacal mindset of the man who has become the U.N. General Assembly's annual showman and entertainer (beating out Libya's Muammar Gaddafi and the old-timer Fidel Castro, who hasn't attended UNGA in years). More important - and more frightening than Dr. Ahmadinejad himself - is the context in which Ahmadinejad operates: he is not a soloist on stage, but rather one of several nut-jobs in the Iranian political establishment currently running the government.If there ever is a reason for Americans to sleep with one eye open these days, wondering "what next?" after Iraq and Afghanistan, Ahmadinejad and Co. is it. A must-read for all those who think they know about international affairs, conflict resolution and negotiation; leadership studies and charisma.

Some of the finest writers about Iran's politics such as Ray Takeyh or Vali Nasr are, without doubt, experts in their field - but they live in America. Right from the start of this book, with its vivid descriptions of a distraught and dusty Ahmadinejad burying his father, you sense the author is not only a complete master of his subject, but he has been close to the events he is writing about.Much of the material such as the reverence for the missing Mahdi, the holocaust denial conference, the erratic economic policies, or the rambling letters to Bush and Merkel are familiar from the general media, but because Naji was in Iran while it happened, the picture has a refreshing immediacy. Naji was certainly an eye witness on the opening day of the holocaust denial conference - `Nowhere else in the world could you find such a mixed bag: American white supremacists, European Nazis, fundamentalist Muslims and ultra-orthodox anti Zionist Jews milled around, exchanging handshakes and smiles.' And as he wandered around the centre he lets us know about a model of Auschwitz which was on display, proving large numbers of Jews could not have been killed. He is also thorough, but concise, with his background material throughout the book, so for the conference he gives us the depressing bios of some of the delegates such as David Duke, former head of the Ku Klux Klan or Veronica Clark, head of the Adolf Hitler Research Society, who presented a paper on how Hitler was in fact very lenient with Jewry or Patrick McNally who called the holocaust `a vicious lie.'It is not surprising that after writing this book Naji has had to leave Iran. For his sharp eye underlines two alarming characteristics about President Ahmadinejad and the other hard-liners. The first is naivety, a lack of planning, a making up of policy on the spot without thinking through the consequences. There is naivety in foreign policy: Naji makes it clear that Ahmadinejad had little idea about the backlash there would be from hosting Nazi lovers at his conference. He wanted to annoy America, but deeply offended the entire world, and so many politicians in Iran that the foreign ministry was hauled before parliament to explain itself. And there was much naivety in economics. Ahmadinejad insisted on a high minimum wage that then ruined small businesses and so threw out of work the very people he was trying to help. He also ordered the banks to cut interest rates to below the rate of inflation, which would make it impossible for them to make a profit. There is even naivety in religion and politics. Ahmadinejad thought he could win the support of women by allowing them into football matches. He was stepping into the territory of the ayatollahs and soon had to back down. The second characteristic Naji underlines is more disturbing. It is that Ahmadinejad - and many who rule with him - live in a make believe world where Iran's economy is flourishing, the `arrogant' i.e. imperial Western powers are retreating before the might of Iran and her allies like Bolivia, and it is the rest of the world that will suffer as the Islamic Republic steps up its sanctions regime on unfriendly countries. This is all disturbing, especially for Iran's citizens who have to live with the reality of rising prices, the impact of sanctions, and the threat of an attack from Israel over Iran's nuclear ambitions. Since this book was published in 2008 Ahmadinejad has had a few reality checks - not just the massive demonstrations after the 2009 presidential elections, or the bruising disputes with the Supreme Leader and parliament which he has lost,but also of course the fact that in 2013 he has to step down.

One can't help but suspect that the author has a bone to pick with not only the subject of the book, but also the whole establishment which he represents. On the other hand, this does little to detract from the amazingly consistent picture of Ahmadinejad which emerges over the course of the book. This is a man for whom religion and its concerns are central to his world view. This is a person for whom earthly considerations are of pale value in comparison to the central task of preparing the world for the coming of the hidden imam. Thus, all other concerns being secondary, coupled with an incredibly naive and obstinate personality, makes it difficult to anticipate much progress on rapprochement between the west and Iran while Ahmadinejad is leading the country.

Don't be fooled by the cover.This is the best biography of AM to date.It is an excellent political and electoral biography of AM's rise to power andhow this President and the ruling clerical elite manage the entire government and political economy of Iran - at all levels - local to national.This management style is akin to the Soviet management style in post Stalinism with the predictable economic results.In many ways the look and economic ambience of Iran is like the Soviet Union in the 1970s.Iran's top economic managemers are clerics, the National Sales Manger is their controlled man - AM - and the middle managers who execute economic policy are Paramilitary forces with little restraint as recent events have shown. The result is anger at injustice and the great cycle of Iranian revolution is underway again.A poodle named AM who is sitting on the lid of a boiling pot as the Shah was in 1964.Who knows how long it takes for a pot to boil over? UnknownBut the pot will boil over and when it does ... it will burn many people as it did in 1905 and 1979.

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Ahmadinejad: The Secret History of Iran's Radical Leader, by Kasra Naji PDF

Ahmadinejad: The Secret History of Iran's Radical Leader, by Kasra Naji PDF
Ahmadinejad: The Secret History of Iran's Radical Leader, by Kasra Naji PDF

Gratis Ebook herunterladen Anouska Hempel, by Marcus Binney

Gratis Ebook herunterladen Anouska Hempel, by Marcus Binney

Viele Menschen versuchen, jeden Tag klüger. Wie geht es über Sie? Es gibt viele Mittel, um diese Instanz zu stimulieren; Sie können Know-how und Lehre finden überall Sie wünschen. Dennoch wird es Ihnen mit sich bringen, was Telefonanruf als bevorzugte Punkt. Wenn Sie diese Art von Quellen erfordern, kann die anhaftende buchen eine ausgezeichnete Auswahl sein. Anouska Hempel, By Marcus Binney der Titel der Führung ist,

Anouska Hempel, by Marcus Binney

Anouska Hempel, by Marcus Binney

Anouska Hempel, by Marcus Binney

Gratis Ebook herunterladen Anouska Hempel, by Marcus Binney

Lesen ist für uns extrem wichtig. Durch die Überprüfung, können wir mehrere Vorteile, wie die Förderung der Kenntnisse in Bezug auf verschiedene andere Leben und anderen Welt Leben fühlen. Das Auschecken kann sein, etwas zu lesen, was auch immer zu lesen. Zeitschriften, Zeitungen, Geschichte, Roman, oder vielleicht Führungen sind die Beispiele. Die Produkte ebenfalls zu überprüfen, verfügen über die Kataloge der Fiktion, die Wissenschaft, die nationale Politik sowie andere Quellen zu entdecken.

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Anouska Hempel, by Marcus Binney


"A lush monograph just out from Rizzoli, with text by Marcus Binney. . . [Anouska Hempel] features a number of projects Hempel has done over the years, beginning with Blakes hotel in London, the project that launched her design career more than 40 years ago.  A bold design statement, the hotel also became a social phenomenon." -Vanity Fair"If anyone could turn the stuffy, staid tassel into a totem of cool, it's Anouska Hempel, also known as Lady Weinberg. . . . Perhaps my favorite examples, though - spied in a new monograph of her work ([from] Rizzoli) - are at the Blakes Hotel in London, which opened in 1978 and is regarded as one of the world's first boutique hotels." -Wall Street Journal"A new monograph on her work attempts to decode her complex style. A chapter on Hempel’s inspirations cites everything from 'Water' and 'Masculinity' to 'Thailand and Color.' What makes this approach difficult is also what makes the book visually interesting — Hempel’s astonishing range, from the dark and moody neo-Classicism of Blakes, considered by many to be the first boutique hotel when it opened in 1978, to the stark whiteness of the Hempel, a row of townhouses near Hyde Park transformed into a shrine to minimalism in 1997." -New York Times Magazine"This tome gives an in-depth look at how the London-based talent layers her evocative spaces with historical details, rich textures, and saturated tones." -Architectural Digest"Whether her interiors are opulent and layered or pared down and sleek, Anouska Hempel leaves her unmistakable signature on every residence, hotel and boutique she designs." -Sotheby's "At the risk of stating the obvious, decorating a hotel or other public space is very different from decorating a home. It takes some serious design chops to straddle both worlds and especially to do so in a way that feels authentic." -Martha Stewart Living"The gorgeous images allow the reader to step into the luxurious spaces that she creates and see first-hand her signature style that combines magnificence with comfort and livability." -Bill Stubbs' Blog"If you tend to swoon over formal English gardens (like we do), exploring the grounds of designer Anouska Hempel's Cole Park estate is like entering into a fantasy. . . . In her new self-titled book, Hempel illustrates her envy-inducing green thumb in ways that are achievable in any garden." -Lonny.com"Architecture historian Marcus Binney takes us inside the world of celebrated designer Anouska Hempel and her sources of inspiration. Photographs of Hempel’s own homes — Cole Park, the stately country home where she lives with her husband Sir Mark Weinberg along with her sophisticated London abode on Addison Road — mixed with photographs of some of the luxurious interiors she created for hotels like Blakes Amsterdam and The Hempel helps readers appreciate her style and understated extravagance." -Blouin Lifestyle "From architecture and furniture to landscape, products and fashion, Anouska Hempel has an insatiable thirst and talent for every aspect of design." -Quintessence.com"If I were an up-and-coming interior designer, I would inhale every page to understand how Anouska breaks paradigms with her particular work process and her visual inspirations that are often unconventional and improbable, yet thoroughly impressive." -ZavviRodaine.com

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Anouska Hempel, Lady Weinberg, is of Russian and Swiss-German ancestry. She grew up in New Zealand and Australia and moved to London in 1962 to begin a career in film before discovering her calling as a designer and decorator. For over four decades, her work has been a focal point of attention for the design community. Marcus Binney is architecture correspondent of the London Times. He is the author of many books, including The Country House and In Search of the Perfect House.


Gebundene Ausgabe: 288 Seiten

Verlag: Rizzoli (3. März 2015)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 9780847845071

ISBN-13: 978-0847845071

ASIN: 0847845079

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

24,9 x 3 x 32,8 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

5.0 von 5 Sternen

1 Kundenrezension

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 19.725 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

Von super üppig bis minimalistisch, alles einfach wunderbar, niemals langweilig.287 Seiten, 426 Abbildungen auf hochwertigem Papier, da wurde nicht gekleckert.

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Defenders of the Faith: The Heavy Metal Photography of Peter Beste

Defenders of the Faith: The Heavy Metal Photography of Peter Beste

Defenders of the Faith: The Heavy Metal Photography of Peter Beste

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Defenders of the Faith: The Heavy Metal Photography of Peter Beste

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Peter Beste (born 1978) is an American documentary photographer who specializes in photographing subcultures. Beste has published two books, True Norwegian Black Metal (Vice Books 2008) and Houston Rap (Sinecure 2013). Beste's work has been published in a variety of journals and has been exhibited in New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, Oslo and more.


Gebundene Ausgabe: 288 Seiten

Verlag: SACRED BONES (10. September 2019)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 0999609947

ISBN-13: 978-0999609941

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

21,6 x 27,9 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

Schreiben Sie die erste Bewertung

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 56.137 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

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Defenders of the Faith: The Heavy Metal Photography of Peter Beste Kindle

Defenders of the Faith: The Heavy Metal Photography of Peter Beste PDF

Defenders of the Faith: The Heavy Metal Photography of Peter Beste PDF

Defenders of the Faith: The Heavy Metal Photography of Peter Beste PDF
Defenders of the Faith: The Heavy Metal Photography of Peter Beste PDF

Ebook Herunterladen Che. Die Biographie, by Jon Lee Anderson

Ebook Herunterladen Che. Die Biographie, by Jon Lee Anderson

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Che. Die Biographie, by Jon Lee Anderson

Che. Die Biographie, by Jon Lee Anderson

Che. Die Biographie, by Jon Lee Anderson

Ebook Herunterladen Che. Die Biographie, by Jon Lee Anderson

Che. Die Biographie, By Jon Lee Anderson . Es ist die Zeit zu steigern und auffrischen auch Ihre Fähigkeit, Verständnis und Erfahrung für Dich amüsiert bestanden nach langer Zeit mit monotonen Dingen. Betrieb am Arbeitsplatz, Forschung Besuch von Prüfung zu lernen könnte sowie noch mehr Aufgaben fertig gestellt werden und auch Sie sollten neue Punkte beginnen. Wenn Sie so müde fühlen, warum Sie nicht brandneuen Punkt versuchen? Eine wirklich einfache Sache? Überprüfung der Che. Die Biographie, By Jon Lee Anderson ist das, was unser Unternehmen bieten Ihnen wissen. Neben das Buch mit dem Titel Che. Die Biographie, By Jon Lee Anderson die Überweisung zur Zeit ist.

In Befragung Dinge, die Sie tun sollten, Check-out kann bei der Herstellung von neuen Dingen eine brandneue Möglichkeit, Sie sein. Es wird behauptet immer, dass das Lesen wird sicherlich ständig unterstützen Sie über etwas zu viel besser. Ja, Che. Die Biographie, By Jon Lee Anderson ist eine, die wir immer liefern. wir Zeit auch teilen und wieder die Bücher über, was ist Ihre Wahrnehmung? Wenn Sie eine der Personen sind als eine Möglichkeit, genießen bewerten, können Sie Che. Die Biographie, By Jon Lee Anderson als Analysematerial zu entdecken.

Wenn Sie jetzt beginnen, diese Che. Die Biographie, By Jon Lee Anderson zu lesen, vielleicht werden Sie überlegen, was Sie bekommen können? Viele Dinge! Kurz gesagt werden wir es sicher beantworten, doch, zu verstehen, was sie sind, haben Sie selbst diese Publikation zu lesen. Sie verstehen, indem kontinuierlich überprüfen, können Sie nicht nur viel besser fühlen, noch zusätzlich heller im Leben. Überprüfen soll, wie die Praxis funktionierten werden, als Freizeitbeschäftigung. Also, wenn Sie überprüfen sollen, könnten Sie bequem es tun. Außerdem kann durch dieses Buch zu lesen, können Sie auch einfach ea brandneue Mittel machen und anzunehmen, als wirklich gut und sinnvoll fühlen. Ja, das Leben intelligent und klug ist dringend erforderlich.

Wieder einmal, welche Art von einzelnen sind Sie? Wenn Sie wirklich eine der Personen mit offen sind, werden Sie sicherlich haben diese Publikation als Empfehlung. Nicht nur diese Soft-Datei Che. Die Biographie, By Jon Lee Anderson zu besitzen, doch natürlich, zu kommentieren und auch begreift es endet die Most zu sein. Es ist genau das, was macht Sie nach vorne viel besser bewegen. Ja, vorwärts gehen in dieser Situation erforderlich ist, wenn Sie wirklich ein besseres Leben wünschen, können Sie also, wenn Sie wirklich viel besser individuell sein wollen, lesen Sie dieses Buch und seine aufgeschlossen.

Che. Die Biographie, by Jon Lee Anderson

Über das Produkt

Wichtige Augenzeugen sowie Ches engste Freunde und Mitkämpfer kommen hier zum Teil erstmals zu Wort. Egal ob Guerilleros in Bolivien, KGB-Angehörige in Moskau, CIA-Agenten in Miami, kubanische Geheimdienstoffiziere, Indios und selbst die Militärs, die Che exekutierten und heimlich seine Leiche verscharrten - mit wem auch immer Anderson sprach: Dem Charisma des faszinierenden Banditen konnte sich keiner entziehen.

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Jon Lee Anderson wuchs in Südkorea, Kolumbien, Taiwan, Indonesien, in Liberia, England und den USA auf. Seit Mitte der siebziger Jahre berichtet er als Kriegs-Korrespondent aus den Krisengebieten der Welt. Er ist Autor der viel beachteten Biographie über Che Guevara, die 1997 in deutscher Übersetzung bei List erschien. Er lebt mit seiner Frau und seinen drei Kindern in Dorset.


Taschenbuch: 768 Seiten

Verlag: List; Auflage: 14. (1. April 2001)

Sprache: Deutsch

ISBN-10: 3548601227

ISBN-13: 978-3548601229

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

12 x 4,6 x 18,7 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

4.6 von 5 Sternen

36 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 169.473 in Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Bücher)

Als eBook bestellt. Ist sehr gut recherchiert und mit vielen Anmerkungen. Gut und kurzweilig geschrieben. Eine echt tolle Biographie. Für den der sich für diese Thematik interessiert ein muss.

So eine Umfangreiche und sehr gut recherchierte Biographie habe ich selten gelesen. Ein großes kompliment an den Autor. Wer sich für das Leben und sein von Che interresiert den kann ich dieses Buch nur ans Herz legen.

Sehr ausführliche Biographie des legendären Revolutionsführers, mit Schwerpunkt Kubanische Revolution und dem Wirken Che's in Kuba.Ausführlich wird auch sein Ende und die Gründe für sein Scheitern im Kongo und in Bolivien beschrieben.Nach der Lektüre dieses Buches lernt man den "Mythos Che" zu verstehen. Sehr empfehlenswert!

Tolles Buch

Sehr gutes buch! EmpfehlenswertBitte lesen und ihre werdet es nicht bereuen.Gehört zu den besten Büchern bis jetzt! H

Hilfreich, um dem Mythos Che Guevara auf die Spur zu kommen.Der Autor bemüht sich um Objektivität und versucht, dem Menschen auf die Spur zu kommen.

In meinen letzten Urlaub auf Kuba bin ich so Intensiv mit Che Guevara konfrontiert worden das ich mir vorgenommen hatte auch etwas über den Mann zu erfahren.Jon Lee Anderson beschreibt das Leben und Wirken von CHE der detailiert abre nie langweilig. Man merkt auch das er gewisse Sympatien für Che hat. Im übrigen lernt man einiges über den amerikanischen Imperialismus dieser Zeit.

Jon Lee Anderson hat sich Che verschrieben und das merkt man auch in jedem Satz, den er zu Papier bringt. Er ist für seine Recherchen für Jahre nach Kuba gezogen, um die Welt geflogen und hat zig Länder besucht. Dabei bekam er Einblick in Dokumente, die bislang unter Verschluss lagen. Auch Zeitzeugen haben ihm teilweise Momente aus Ches Leben anvertraut, die sie nie zuvor einem Autor offenbarten. Ich denke nicht, dass es eine bessere Biographie über den Revolutionär gibt, als die von Jon Lee Anderson. Er hat wirklich von A bis Z recherchiert, versucht dabei neutral zu bleiben und den Mythos Che beleuchtet und aufgeklärt.Eine durchgängig informative Lektüre über die Politik Südamerikas zu jener Zeit, über den Kommunismus in seinen unterschiedlichen Auslegungen und über einen charismatischen Mann, der zum Anführer geboren wurde, um seine Ideale zu verwirklichen und sich darin verlor.

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